Palestine High School Alumni Association

Palestine High School Alumni Association, Palestine, Texas

Paul Savoy Hinkle, Jr. 1956 Valedictorian

11 / 06 / 1937  –  02 / 08 / 2003

Travels Traced on Former Chatter Editor

Who would ever guess that Chatter editors could amount to anything but something big? Tuesday Paul Hinkle, Chatter Editor of 1956, visited old haunts, including the Chatter room, while on a leave of absence from his job in the Pentagon in Washington, D.C.

Distinguished is certainly one word for Paul’s background. He graduated as Valedictorian of PHS in 1956. He has attended the University of Texas, St. Edwards University, and Notre Dame, from which he graduated in 1960.

Paul declined to give a word of advice to high school success seekers, saying that too much advice has already been given by too many people, and that the high school student has to find the key that will fit. Philosophy, incidentally, was Paul’s major at Notre Dame.

Paul is the son of Mrs. Evelyn Hinkle of Palestine, and the late Paul Hinkle.

Note: No Obituary
Source: The Chatter 03-14-1962