Palestine High School Alumni Association

Palestine High School Alumni Association, Palestine, Texas

James Becker 1962

James Becker 1962 Born 04-18-1944 Lost 08-15-1970 in Laos Age 26












04 / 18 / 1944  –  08 / 15 / 1970

On August 15, 1970, 1Lt. James C. Becker, pilot; CW2 Raymond W. Anderson, aircraft commander; SP4 Michael D. Christ, crewchief; and SP4 Peter A. Schmidt, door gunner; were flying a UH1H helicopter (tail number 69-15375) on a reconnaissance team extraction mission in Laos.

Because of the difficult terrain in the area of the planned extraction, the recon team was to be lifted out by ladder. The helicopter hovered 50 feet over the pickup zone and dropped the ladder from the right side of the aircraft. Five of the team members climbed onto the ladder, and the helicopter began to lift off. At about 100 feet the aircraft began to receive small arms fire and crashed.

The five team members were stripped off the ladder by the trees as the helicopter descended. After the crash, CW2 Anderson checked the two crewmen on the right side of the aircraft, noticing that 1Lt. Becker was upright in his seat, however, it seemed that he had hit his head into the overhead instrument panel in the force of the impact.

Becker’s helmet was gone, and there was blood on the floor. CW2 Anderson stated that Becker did not appear to be breathing. Anderson then unsuccessfully attempted to free Schmidt from the right gunnel. He noted no blood on Schmidt, but stated that Schmidt did not appear to be breathing.

Source: The P.O.W. Network dedicated to information distribution on our Prisoners of War and Missing in Action Servicemen – Branson, Missouri.

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